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Feb 28, 2022
Reducing demands or optimising demands? Effects of cognitive appraisal and autonomy on job crafting
Are you facing increasing job demands at work? You can engage in two job crafting strategies to make changes in your job demands:...

Feb 22, 2021
Designing SMART teamwork: How work design can boost performance in virtual teams
Are you still stuck in lockdown, working from home or coordinating most of your work "virtually" with other team members and wondered...

Jan 7, 2021
When do job crafting interventions work?
New CTWD research on job crafting found job crafting interventions were effective in promoting job crafting behaviours. Job crafting...

Oct 9, 2020
CTWD Researcher Highly Commended in 2020 Emerald/EFMD Outstanding Doctoral Research Awards
Congratulations to our Research Fellow, Giverny de Boeck who was selected as a highly commended winner in the Emerald/EFMD Outstanding...

Jul 28, 2020
"The embeddedness of work design in occupational context", PhD completion for Georgia Hay
Georgia Hay has received the excellent news that her PhD thesis has been passed. Georgia completed her PhD at UWA and was been a member...

Jun 22, 2020
"Putting successful ageing into context", a new manuscript by Petery, Iles and Parker
Individuals’ successful aging at work is largely dependent on organisational factors. Negative age bias and age discriminatory work...

May 19, 2020
CAT in the Wild: Using the Communication Analysis Tool to examine mining supervisors' tasks
by Hawa Muhammad Farid A team of researchers from the University of Western Australia and Curtin University, Hawa Muhammad Farid, Lisette...

Mar 16, 2020
Faculty's Article of the Year award goes to Sharon Parker and Daniela Andrei
Congratulations to CTWD Director, Sharon Parker and Research Fellow, Daniela Andrei for winning the Faculty's Research & Innovation Award...

Nov 28, 2019
The impact of job redesign on performance, review by UK CIPD
Caroline Knight and Sharon Parker explored the evidence on job redesign interventions and how they affect employee performance.

Jul 12, 2019
Yukun Liu is a nominee of the Rosabeth Moss Kanter Award for Excellence in Work-Family Research
We are delighted and proud that Yukun Liu’s article “Social support at work and at home: Dual-buffering effects in the work-family...

Jun 17, 2019
New book chapter! The changing face of work design research: Past, present, and future directions
Sharon Parker, Caroline Knight, and Sandra Ohly have just published a new book chapter which highlights how work design research has...

Mar 28, 2019
Just published! Book chapter on job crafting
Maria Tims and Caroline Knight have just published a book chapter which highlights how job crafting can help individuals change aspects...
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