New CTWD research on job crafting found job crafting interventions were effective in promoting job crafting behaviours.
Job crafting refers to self-initiated, proactive strategies to change aspects of work to meet personal needs, goals and desires, and is important for promoting well-being and performance at work.
CTWD Research Fellow and lead author of the study, Dr Caroline Knight says the research found that job crafting interventions to reduce hindering demands are best targeted at those experiencing high workloads, whereas interventions to increase job resources are best targeted towards those experiencing low workloads.
"High workload prior to the intervention promoted crafting to reduce hindrance demands, such as email or noise distractions," Dr Knight says.
"Whereas low workload promoted crafting to increase job resources, such as autonomy."
Researchers assessed the impact of initial workload on the effectiveness of two interventions:
A less intense, knowledge-reflection intervention which involved learning about job crafting and reflecting on it in relation to one’s own job
A more intense, knowledge-reflection-action intervention that involved learning and reflecting on job crafting as well as completing 'Job Crafting Boosts' - job crafting activities such as switching off email for 20 minutes to concentrate on a task, or asking a colleague for help - over four weeks
The study found participants who completed 'Job Crafting Boosts' experienced positive outcomes including insights into making positive changes at work, increased vigour and motivation, and increased productivity.
The paper titled ‘When do job crafting interventions work? The moderating roles of workload, intervention intensity, and participation’ can be found online here.