Report launch: State of psychological injury in the NSW Healthcare and Social Assistance industry
State of Affairs: Workplace mental health and psychological injury in the NSW Healthcare and Social Assistance (H&SA) industry
Date: Tuesday 15 November
Location: The University of Sydney - CBD Campus
Having a healthy and thriving workforce is critical in the Healthcare and Social Assistance (H&SA) area – aged care workers, disability workers, and other professionals in this sector carry out some of the most important work in our society. Yet, the H&SA industry is facing a serious crisis, with deteriorating mental health and increasing psychological injury amongst its workforce. To begin to address this challenge, we need a clear and comprehensive picture of work-related mental health claims and risk factors for psychological injury within this industry.
Join us at this informative in-person breakfast event, where Professor Alex Collie from Monash University, and the Healthy Working Lives Research Group, will present findings from the latest and most comprehensive analysis of psychological injury claims in the NSW H&SA industry. Following the presentation, a panel of industry representatives will unpack the research findings and provide their perspective and insights from the ground.
Read the full report here:
0:00 Welcome by Associate Professor Anya Johnson (University of Sydney)
04:25 Introduction of the Design for Care by Project Lead, Professor Sharon Parker (Centre for Transformative Work Design at Curtin University)
07:48 Keynote speech by Professor Alex Collie (Healthy Working Lives Research Group, Monash University)
29:35 Panel discussion
1:03:40 Closing by Associate Professor Anya Johnson and Associate Professor Helena Nguyen (University of Sydney)
Professor Alex Collie (Director, Healthy Working Lives Research Group, Monash University)
Professor Sharon Parker (Project Lead, Design for Care and Director, Centre for Transformative Work Design at Curtin University)
- Professor Alex Collie (Director, Healthy Working Lives Research Group, Monash University)
- Lucinda Brogden AM (Director, Australian Unity and Former Chair, National Mental Health Commission)
- Brad Wakeling (National Manager, Workplace Health and Safety, Regis Aged Care)
- Suzanne Becker (Chief Executive Officer, Lifestart)
Design for Care is a collaborative research project led by Curtin University's Centre for Transformative Work Design in collaboration with University of Sydney, Monash University and a range of industry partner organisations, with funding support from icare NSW.
The research aims to understand and improve workplace mental health and well-being in Australia’s Healthcare and Social Assistance (H&SA) industry by developing evidence-based work design interventions to prevent psychological injury, which include but not limited to burnout and sustained work stress.
At the heart of Design for Care is the prevention of psychological injury through good work design.
For more information, visit