We are delighted and proud that Yukun Liu’s article “Social support at work and at home: Dual-buffering effects in the work-family conflict process” was selected as a nominee of the annual Rosabeth Moss Kanter Award for Excellence in Work-Family Research. The award is presented to the author(s) of the best research paper published in a given year. As a nominated article, Dr. Liu now has the official honor of Kanter Nominee for the 2019 year.
A joint project of the Center for Families at Purdue University and the Boston College Center for Work & Family, the international award raises the awareness of high quality work-family research among the scholar, consultant and practitioner communities. A very rigorous process involving nomination and review by a committee of over 60 leading scholars determined this year nominees from over 2500 articles published in 83 leading English-language journals from around the world. As the standards of quality for work-family research continue to rise, the actionable findings from the best studies will become more commonplace in business communities to inform policy and best people practices.
The Kanter Award is given with the generous sponsorship of the Corporate Partners of the Boston College Center for Work & Family, a network of work-life and human resources practitioners from leading organizations. The Kanter Award is one mechanism the two Centers implement to bridge academic research with corporate practice.
Over the next few months, The Center for Families will be publicising the award as part of their goal in raising awareness and stimulating dialogue among both researchers and corporate practitioners who oversee family-relevant programs and policies. The Boston College Center for Work & Family Roundtable, a group of leading organizations who sponsor the award, will assist in the selection of the winner and guide the development of a publication including a profile of the winner’s research and the key take-ways from all nominated articles.
Congratulations Yukun on your significant contribution to work-family literature world-wide and our best wishes of success for the next step!
For further information on the award, please visit www.purdue.edu/kanteraward