Do you want to find out what leadership style works best for you? Are you interested in knowing how agile you are?
We are seeking people who are interested in helping us unravel the complex relationship between leader communication and follower behaviours. We require participants who are currently working and enjoy novel approaches to answering challenging research questions. Participants will undertake a fun and engaging simulation where a leader will communicate task requirements to them via video-messages.
If you are currently working (min. 16 hrs/week), have a direct supervisor/manager and are interested to participate in our engaging simulation - we want to hear from you.
The entire study will take approximately 50 minutes.
As a thank you to all of our wonderful participants, you will receive a gift card, chocolates and a personalised feedback report that provides insight into how you can improve your workplace ‘agility’.
Our novel leadership simulation lab is located at the Future of Work Institute (78 Murray Street, Perth).
We are currently running ‘pop up labs’ and are conducting several classroom simulations at Curtin’s Bentley campus. Please email us with your preferred location to secure your simulation booking.
Please register your interest by emailing LeadershipandInnovation@curtin.edu.au.