We are excited to announce that a team of CTWD researchers and international collaborators have been successful in obtaining funding for an EAWOP Small Group Meeting (SGM) on the “Antecedents of Work Design”. The meeting, organized by Dr. Maria Tims, Dr. Anja van den Broeck and Dr. Daniela Andrei, will take place at Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 3-4 of June, and will combine paper presentations, group discussions and a keynote address from Prof. Sharon Parker.
We hope that this Small Group Meeting will provide an opportunity for scholars to come together and discuss ideas, ongoing projects and stimulate collaborative research on the factors that shape the quality of work design in contemporary organizations, thus advancing this neglected area.
We invite all interested scholars to check our full call for papers at: http://www.eawop.org/news/call-for-papers-sgm-antecedents-of-work-design-vrije-universiteit-amsterdam and submit an abstract before the March 15th deadline. We are confident that this event will provide a great environment for open, critical and inspiring discussions, that will move the field further.