The Minister for Health, Hon. Roger Cook, visited the Centre for Transformative Work Design to announce an exciting partnership between the Centre and the WA Mental Health Commission (MHC).
The MHC has provided $500,000 to support the Centre's state-wide Thrive@Work Strategy. This strategy is about our Centre's vision for creating healthy and productive workplaces across WA.
The funding from the MHC will support the development of resources for organisations to make the workplace a thriving environment for workers.
The assessment tools, training modules, educational materials and other resources to be developed will assist workplaces in designing good work to promote positive mental health and wellbeing, and support employees with mental health issues and suicide prevention.
The funding will also support the implementation of the Western Australian Workplace Mental Health Standards, a set of voluntary guidelines for workplaces embarking on a journey towards becoming mentally healthy organisations. The development of the Standards was commissioned by the MHC and endorsed by the Ministerial Council for Suicide Prevention.
Mental Health Minister Roger Cook noted:
“This funding will assist the Centre to provide leadership and support to organisations throughout WA, to address the mental wellbeing and safety of their employees and create thriving workplaces.”
“With one in five of us experiencing mental health issues in any given year and the many hours we spend at work, it is critical that workplaces know how to create environments that help their employees thrive.”
“Creating thriving workplaces is good for employees, good for the wider community and importantly, can reduce the impact of lost productivity on business.”
For more information about the Thrive at Work Strategy, please contact Karina Jorritsma: karina.jorritsma@curtin.edu.au