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Upcoming online seminar: Using video and sequential analyses for team dynamics and work design resea

On of our postdocs, Florian Klonek, is giving an online tutorial on using sequential analyses for team research.

This online seminar provides a hands-on look at how to run sequential analyses with coded video-data from team meetings. It is also a follow-up from Florian's research talk at the UWA business school last month.

The webinar is hosted by the American Psychological Association (APA Division 49) as par

t of a special issue of Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice with a focus on statistical methods in group psychology. This free webinar is open to the public.

While the webinar is more focused on the methodological details of collecting and coding video data and running sequential analyses, we invite everyone who is interested in using this technique to elaborate on questions like "How do work design decisions impact on team/group dynamic interactions?" or "How can work design create boundary conditions for shaping dynamics in teams or groups".

Click on this link if you want to see a recording of the webinar.

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