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Thrive at Work from Home

Our evidenced-based guide and tips for successfully working from home

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Find out about our 

Working from Home survey

We led a global longitudinal research study on your current work experiences, the Thrive at Work at Home survey.

These are now the final results having screened out inappropriate / incomplete cases. Note that the most recent ABS data (2018) said 13% of people experience psychological distress, our survey shows has this number has doubled during the COVID-19 crisis.

Additional resources for Thriving at Work at Home


Remote Managers Are Having Trust Issues

It seems that during the Covid-19 pandemic, some managers are having a hard time adjusting to managing employees without “line of sight.” Hand in hand with managers’ struggles, many employees are feeling the negative effects of close monitoring and distrust from their bosses. The good news is that these managers can be supported and trained to manage their employees more effectively from a distance.

Need specific help or guidance for your team or organisation?

Your needs for supporting your workers might be unique to your situation. We provide rapid literature reviews, pulse checks on the mental health of your workers, in-depth customised surveys, Thrive at Work audits of mental health practices, evaluations of change, and more.

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