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Meeting Room

Work Design and Entrepreneurship

Participate in our global study

Project Brief

The intersection between work design and entrepreneurship has been considered, but generally speaking, the two domains have progressed separately. Merging these domains may prove fruitful given their potential overlap. For instance, work design can be an important factor to inspire people to venture out in search of better work. Work design may help to answer the lingering question in entrepreneurship: how do we support success in entrepreneurship? Entrepreneurship may help to answer questions regarding how people design work for themselves and others. This is an exploratory project to discover ways in which work design and entrepreneurship can learn from each other to strengthen our understanding of both.

Entrepreneurs' Resilience and Well-Being
in the COVID-19 Pandemic


Announcing an exciting, limited-time opportunity for entrepreneurs and founders to participate in an international study of COVID-19’s impact on small businesses and those who are self-employed. We’re leading the efforts to ensure Australian entrepreneurs are represented in an international study we’re conducting about the impact of COVID on founders’ work design and wellbeing.

What it means to participate:


Colleagues in London set up the study protocol, and the survey is ~25 minutes, and the daily calls are ~10 minutes the first day, then ~5 minutes on subsequent days Monday to Friday, for two work weeks.

Top three benefits to you:​

  1. Feedback
    Get detailed, evidence-based feedback on your psychological resources for coping with stress, innovating, and seeing/exploiting opportunities. You’ll get individualized feedback on your well-being, experience of stress and coping strategies – benchmarked against other entrepreneurs in the UK. Based on the daily calls, you’ll get insights about how these fluctuate for you. Think fitbit feedback, except it’s free, evidence-based, and it’s about your psych health and well-being.

  2. Pay it forward
    Policies and support programs are based in data, and this research study aims to build out a dataset that informs better government policies for entrepreneurs during future economic downturns.

  3. Better representation in research
    This is part of a massive, international study. Right now, Australians (especially women) are underrepresented in this study. These studies influence thinking and conclusions will reflect Australians, only if Australian founders participate.

Spread the word:​




Contact for more information:

M.K. Ward


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