SIA Presentation: Those With Relevant Expertise Design More Enriched Work
Where Does Work Design Come From?
Dr Jessie Koen: Flexible Contracts and Other Labor Market Vulnerabilities - What Can Employees Do?
Dr Stacey Parker: Getting through the Daily Grind
Dr Roy Sijbom: How Leaders Respond to Proactivity From Their Employees
Does Being Proactive at Work Enhance or Impair Worker Well-Being?
The Future of Proactivity in Organisations: Academy of Management Conference
Dr Anya Johnson: Work Redesign in a Hospital
Breakfast by the Bay: Introducing the Centre for Transformative Work Design
Effects of Proactivity at Work: Conference in Hong Kong
Introducing the Work Design Growth Model
Work Design in Preventing Mental Ill-Health Amongst FIFO Workers
Connecting With Young Workers
Looking Back and Looking Forward
Improving Surgical Team Effectiveness