Isabel Putri

Jun 20, 20231 min

Work Design for Success: Innovative Research and Leading-Edge Practice

The 2024 Centre for Transformative Work Design Conference

Perth, Western Australia | 12-14 February 2024

The 3-day inaugural Centre for Transformative Work Design (CTWD) Conference 2024 aims to inspire discussion around creating healthier, happier workplaces through work design.

The conference is dedicated to providing solutions for policymakers and industry practitioners, opportunities for research-industry collaborations, innovative research discussions and support for early career researchers.

Don't miss this opportunity to hear from world-leading experts, bridge research and practice, and gain valuable insights adopted by companies and businesses to transform work.

Why attend the conference?

  • Connect with like-minded peers from business, academia and government

  • Share ideas and contribute to the transformation of work

  • Engage in interactive workshops and professional development

  • Scholarships available for Early Career academics to assist with travel costs

Who should attend the conference?

  • Human resources leaders

  • Work, Health and Safety leaders

  • Consultants

  • Senior leaders

  • Regulators

  • Policy makers

  • Union officials

  • Anyone else passionate about creating great work for people

Keynote speakers include:

Professor Sharon Parker

ARC Laureate Fellow, John Curtin Distinguished Professor

Curtin University

Professor Arnold Bakker

Professor of Work and Organisational Psychology

Erasmus University Rotterdam

Professor Evangelia Demerouti

Full Professor

TU/e Eindhoven University of Technology

Professor Maria Tims

Full Professor

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

*further speakers to be advised

Example topics include:

  • The SMART Work Design model

  • Psychosocial risks

  • Job crafting

  • Work redesign

  • Self-managing teams

  • Work design for AI and other digital technologies


For more information, please email:
